Avengers: Infinity War - 23 WTF Moments

20. Scarlet Witch Has Forgotten She's Sokovian

Infinity War Scarlet Witch
Marvel Studios

Remember when Scarlet Witch and her brother Quicksilver's backstories were explained in Age Of Ultron? Remember how they were Sokovian kids whose parents were killed by Stark weaponry, prompting them to volunteer for radical genetic experiments that turned them into super-powered weapons?

Well, Infinity War remembers some of that, but clearly not the fact that Wanda was born in Sokovia. Either that or she's had some really good diction lessons, because the thick Eastern European accent she once boasted (which made her brother sound like Alexander the Meerkat, for UK readers) has now been entirely softened. She now sounds pretty much American.

To drop her accent that quickly, even while hanging around English speakers is a little silly. But then Natasha doesn't exactly sound Russian either, does she? Maybe the Avengers have a really good vocal coach?


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