Avengers: Infinity War - 6 Times Infinity Stones Looked REALLY Weak In The MCU

1. Scarlet Witch Overpowers Vision

Vision V Scarlet Witch Civil War
Marvel Studios

When Vision is initially created using the Mind Stone, it appears that he's been impregnated with all of the powers of a demi-God. His powers seem only limited to his imagination as he can phase through matter, manifest matter and basically do what he wants.

By the time he reappears in Civil War, though, his powers were obviously classed as too great (especially with Thanos on his way), so the Russos hamstrung him and made him far less powerful. He was nerfed, in other words and his powers were limited to manifesting sweaters and inaccurately shooting the wrong person out of the sky.

More worryingly, when he comes up against his beloved Scarlet Witch, she is able to not only overpower him, but to actually control the Stone in his forehead and use his powers against him. Even though he is literally in full control of the Stone, he's easily overcome.

And while she herself is a product of the same Stone, the fact that a volatile product is able to overpower her own source is terribly reductive to the Mind Stone's billing.

Were there any other times when the Infinity Stones weren't all that great? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.


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