Avengers: Infinity War - 6 Times Infinity Stones Looked REALLY Weak In The MCU

2. Tony Stark Can't Be Controlled

Loki V Tony The Avengers
Marvel Studios

When Loki appears in The Avengers, it seems that the sceptre he's been given by The Other (on behalf of Thanos) is an all-powerful weapon that can control his enemies no matter who they are. Both Selvig and Hawkeye fall under his powers immediately and other SHIELD agents likewise. Even without knowing the Mind Stone is behind the power, you know that this is a big deal weapon.

But then when Loki gets to Stark Tower and comes face to face with Tony Stark and attempts to take over his mind too in the same manner, touching the sceptre to his chest. But... nothing. Tony seems to not even be concerned by the attempt as his arc reactor SOMEHOW resists the power of the Stone.

Now, there's a theory that his arc reactor will turn out to be linked to another Stone, but that's still pretty unlikely at this stage and all it does in hindsight is suggest that the Mind Stone - which has otherwise been pretty much the strongest Stone introduced so far - can't work when there's some metal between it and a potential target's heart. It's not a strong moment.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.