Avengers: Infinity War - 7 Minor Issues That Stop It Being Perfect

7. Captain America Only Getting A Handful Of Lines

Captain america

Easily one of the most obvious negatives considering how much of a key player Cap was in both the first Avengers movies - and being the last ensemble movie we got was Civil War - here Rogers is given next to nothing to say.

Going from his introduction to checking in at Avengers HQ, a brief chat with T'Challa and only a couple of lines during the big closing fight, it's enough to make you forget this guy was the leader of The Avengers for years. Arguably the decision was made to represent just how off the grid Cap is, and how his existence is literally just a mercenary/vigilante responding to a call to defend Earth and nothing more.

It works well enough and it's damn good to see Cap in any respect, but all the same... you can't help but wish he was given the same screen time as someone like Stark, Thor or Star-Lord.

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