Avengers: Infinity War - 7 Minor Issues That Stop It Being Perfect

6. Bucky Getting Nothing To Do Despite Years Of Buildup

Avengers infinity war bucky barnes

One of the prevailing fan theories going into Infinity War was that Bucky was being prepped and groomed to eventually stand in for Cap himself. If Steve had died, as was the case in the comics, we'd have had a new arm-equipped Bucky who'd also gone through Wakandan therapy to remove his brainwashed memories, ready to carry the shield.

Instead - and despite being seen in three post-credits scenes (Ant-Man's, Civil War's and Black Panther's), Bucky turns up, shoots some aliens, stays far away from Cap the whole time... and then gets vaporised after Thanos clicks his fingers.

So much for the supposed weight put on the character, and though you can't argue with Marvel backing away from the idea as Sebastien Stan never truly caught on like he was supposed to, it makes this "epic conclusion" look incongruous at best.

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