Avengers: Infinity War - 7 Minor Issues That Stop It Being Perfect

1. A Notable Lack Of Narrative Ground To Cover

Infinity War Thanos

For as much as Infinity War accomplishes; as much as its villain's motivations are layered and its various groups of characters being rolled together impressive, the basic beat of the entire movie starts with, "Stop Thanos", and ends with "Stop Thanos".

As such - and because on the hero side of things, we're falling back on years worth of backstory to supplant motivations during increasingly intense set-pieces - this is entirely Thanos' movie in terms of new information.

Whenever we're not hanging with Thanos, the heroes are either repeatedly reminding one another of the threat at hand, mentioning what the Infinity Stones are/do, or just killing time. It's nowhere near egregious to the point of getting in the way of the film, but all the wider meaning and narrative clout of Thanos comes from delving into his existence as a walking conversation on methods of overpopulation, rather than specific beats in the story.

"Thanos is coming", fight, escape, "Thanos is coming!", fight, escape, "Thanos really is coming!" fight, end.

It's an excuse to have a relentless string of action and character moments, but you also feel the movie not having anywhere to go other than "Stall and wait for Thanos."

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