Avengers: Infinity War - 7 Minor Issues That Stop It Being Perfect

2. The Balancing Act Of Characters Tips Too Heavily Towards The Guardians

Avengers infinity war

Speaking of the Guardians of the Galaxy, they get the vast majority of the screentime in the first half of the film, showing them not only discovering the wreckage of the Asgardian ship, but reviving Thor and then debating what to do next.

You can almost tell the movie needs them to get to a point where half the Guardians segment off and travel to Titan to await Thanos/meet up with Stark's crew, but there's a notable 20-25 minute chunk where we're mainly hanging inside Quill's ship and no one else.

I've already covered the lack of Cap and Black Panther, and with Stark aboard Ebony Maw's ship, we're left with a lot of screentime being used up on the Guardians crew, when it could've shone a light into Captain America's post-Civil War mentality and living situation.

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