Avengers: Infinity War & Endgame - 10 Major NEW Reveals From The Filmmakers

5. Who Did The Hulk See In The Soul Stone?

Captain America Infinity War Soul Stone
Marvel Studios

Talking of The Hulk, fans have had a huge, unanswered question since watching Avengers: Endgame regarding the Green Goliath. As we mentioned, when Thanos used the Infinity Stones, he entered "Soul World" and communicated with his daughter Gamora. As for Tony Stark, a deleted scene has revealed that he came face to face with an older version of his own daughter, Morgan.

Bruce Banner doesn't have any children, so who did he see? Up until this point, the prevailing theory has been that he might have met with Black Widow following her sacrifice on Vormir, but nope!

"We did write one, a conversation between Hulk and Banner, but it didn't make it to camera," Markus revealed before jokingly adding: "Ruffalo showed up but Hulk wouldn't come out of his trailer." It's a shame this wasn't shot, but there could be a good reason why it didn't end up being included.

Had The Hulk emerged out of the Hulkbuster as planned, these two communicating again would have made perfect sense; however, with that transformation taking place off screen, it wasn't needed.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.