Avengers: Infinity War - Every Character Confirmed So Far

23. Scarlet Witch

Infinity War Characters
Marvel Studios

Confirmed By: Straight from the horses' mouths - or the Russos' mouths to be precise - as they told us that the relationship between her and the Vision is a key part of their approach to the film:

“It’s a very compelling story. Obviously, it’s one ripped from the comics that, for many years, there was some very interesting storytelling and characters. One character is searching for how to identify with humanity, another who is on a journey away from her humanity towards becoming a very powerful being.”

Plot Predictions: I'll bat this drum until it's burst through entirely, but there's definitely a hint that we're going to see a story arc for Witch that possibly mimics the opening of House Of M. She's been presented as an unstable wildcard already (a couple of times), and with her developing a relationship with a Dead Meat character in the Vision, that's going to be tested again.

What price on her reacting poorly to Vision's death and having a major breakdown that sees a detachment from reality (perhaps not on the scale of House Of M, but still)? That would definitely be better than just having her and Vision making kissy faces over Eastern European food.


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