Avengers: Infinity War - Every Character Confirmed So Far
8. The Collector

Confirmed By: James Gunn, in a way. He said pretty categorically that The Collector will not appear in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2, and we know that Benicio Del Toro signed up for a multi-picture deal (for 3 or 4 appearances).
Plus, he has unfinished Infinity related business.
Plot Predictions: There's a big question over The Collector, concerning his affiliation. If he's working for Thanos, he's bound to appear to had over the Aether, which is still in his possession, and if he's working against him to try and collect the Stones for himself, he's going to have to face the Mad Titan over the same issue anyway.
He's a pretty conniving sort of character, so he probably won't be killed off, but things are not going to go well for him, making for a double-whammy on the back of Guardians where some of his precious collection was blown up.