Avengers: Infinity War - Every Character Ranked By How Likely They Are To Die

42. Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel

Whether you expect to see Brie Larson's Captain Marvel in Infinity War probably depends on which rumours you've heard most recently. Though we were previously told she wouldn't debut until her 1990s-set solo movie, subsequent rumours have suggested she'll at least cameo in Infinity War (even if just in a post-credits scene). And that WOULD make sense for seeding the character ahead of her own movie - if only in marketing terms.

Anyway, if she doesn't appear she can't die and if she does appear there's no way she's going to die either. Unless Marvel's new bold strategy is killing off characters before they even get a chance to appear in their own movies. Which sounds more like a Cloverfield thing to do.

41. Doctor Strange

Avengers Infinity War Doctor Strange
Marvel Studios

Though we know that he's going to be in some pretty grave-looking danger when he comes face-to-face with Ebony Maw, there's no way Doctor Strange can be killed off.

He's one movie into his MCU contract (well one movie plus a cameo in Thor: Ragnarok) and there was a huge sequel set up in that debut movie. And not only that but the big rumour of time travel in Avengers 4 would seem to suggest that he's involved (unless Marvel throw an almighty curve-ball and Thanos gets the Time Stone and turns time back himself, of course).

It would be pretty shocking for him to go, though.


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