Avengers: Infinity War - Every Character Ranked By How Likely They Are To Die

40. Black Panther

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Even with Thanos taking the fight to Wakanda and the terrifying-looking Outrider army converging on the fields outside of Black Panther's high-tech city, it's unlikely that anything too bad will happen to the new king.

T'Challa is protected somewhat by the fact that his debut movie made an eye-watering amount of money for Marvel and there's absolutely no chance he's not getting a sequel in Phase 4. His death also wouldn't carry enough emotional significance for the story (and nor is he an expendable enough character to kill for effect), so expect to see him emerge completely unscathed.

39. Dr. Erik Selvig

Marvel Studios

Despite being one of the least powerful and least useful characters in the MCU, Dr Erik Selvig should be fine in Infinity War because he simply doesn't mean as much dead as he would offer to the franchise by staying alive.

Even though he works for the Avengers now, it's unlikely he'll be particularly heavily involved in Infinity War, but what he knows about multiverse travel (remember, the Tesseract "taught him" a lot when he was under Loki's control) should make him a valuable exposition character in Avengers 4. To kill him before he's able to dump that information once more wouldn't make any sense, and it's not like he's going to be on the front-lines.


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