Avengers: Infinity War - Every Death Ranked Worst To Best

1. Peter Parker

Avengers Infinity War Spider Man
Marvel Studios

Cause of Death: Disintegrated.

And finally, we have by far the best and most affecting death in Infinity War. After witnessing Doctor Strange turn to dust, Peter tells Tony, "I don't feel so good." Stark then embraces him as panic and fear takes hold, with Peter's "I don't want to go" serving as the perfect reminder that, yes, this is a kid we're watching disintegrate.

His final "I'm sorry" to Tony also hammers home the notion that he's Tony's surrogate son in the MCU (returning to Tony's discussion with Pepper [Gwyneth Paltrow] about kids at the start of the film). Tom Holland's performance here was the best thing he's ever done as Spidey - which is saying a lot - and Robert Downey Jr. sells the utter hopelessness of Spidey's death perfectly.

What's more, Holland reportedly improvised his dying dialogue, with the Russos merely instructing him to act as though he didn't want to leave. Needless to say, he absolutely nailed it and delivered one of the most insta-iconic scenes in the entire MCU. Perfection.

How would you rank Infinity War's death scenes? Shout them out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.