Avengers: Infinity War - EVERY Soul Stone Theory Ranked Worst To Best
1. It Is Titan Itself
What if the MCU has borrowed the idea of Soul World - the ideal planet WITHIN the Soul Stone - and reappropriated it to make Titan - Thanos' dead planet - the Soul Stone itself?
According to ScreenRant and more thoroughly explored by Charles Pulliam-Moore the fact that the planet is shown to be the same colour as the Stone is only part of the link. On top of that, the Infinity War prelude comic included hints that the Stone could be a planet and the current comics (specifically Infinity Countdown) have revealed that the stones can grow to huge sizes.
Sure, the idea of Thanos living on an Infinity Stone and not realising it would make him look idiotic, but this is the same Titan who handed over the Mind Stone to Loki seemingly unwittingly. And it would explain why the Titans were wiped out - rather than it being a case of over-population and over-reaching, it could be that their planet fed on their souls.
And without those souls, the planet/Stone is dead. It certainly fits the logic.
What do you think? Which of these theories are you most drawn to? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.