Avengers: Infinity War - Power Ranking Every Character

20. Korg

Korg Thor Ragnarok
Marvel Studios

The Thor: Ragnarok break-out star might well already be your new favourite MCU character (if he isn't, it'll only be because you haven't seen the film), but he's a lot more than just a walking gag machine. He's a Kronan, and a hugely skilled warrior on top of that (hence rising up to the position of "crowd entertainer" in the Sakaarian gladiatorial games without being killed), and he's a big deal in combat terms.

It'll be interesting to see how he plays into the Avengers picture, and whether Thor will be allowed to keep his Revengers sub-team together (it would be brilliant to see a spin-off/sequel), but he'll be a key addition to the good guys' armoury if he's allowed.

Unfortunately for him, he's not entirely invulnerable, and he can be beaten by whatever beats rock. So he best hope Thanos doesn't go for paper.

19 . Star-Lord

Marvel Studios

Were it not for the fact that his father Ego had been destroyed, taking his innate powers with him, Star-Lord might well have been fighting for top spot in this list with Thanos, Vision and Doctor Strange. He was - after all - pretty much a God.

Now, he's just the Marvel universe's best impression of Han Solo, with every heroic ability you'd expect from that sort of hero. He's an old-fashioned swash-buckler, with technological augmentations that push him above the other (mostly) human characters and while there are suggestions that he's depowered now, his physiology still counts towards improved durability.

It wasn't the proximity to his father that allowed him to hold the Power Stone and withstand its powers - it was his genetic make-up, which makes him more durable than full humans. And that should come into play again at some point.


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