Avengers: Infinity War - Power Ranking Every Character

5. Loki

Thor Ragnarok Loki
Marvel Studios

You don't get to be the God Of Mischief without being pretty bloody powerful - even if Loki has lost some of his lustre recently.

Compared to his brother, he's fairly limited in physical terms, but his combat prowess puts most normal characters to shame and his command of magic and ability to manipulate his enemies puts him right on the shoulders of the most powerful characters in the MCU.

He's more than a mere conjurer and while some of his powers have proved a little more vulnerable than they once did, he's still basically part-God with the added bonus of having Frost Giant DNA to put him above all of the human characters. How he'll deal with coming face-to-face with Thanos early on remains to be seen, but don't put it past him to change allegiances all the way through the film - after all, his self-preservation factor basically counts as a superpower too.


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