Avengers: Infinity War - Predicting All 67 Characters

59. Thor

Given that his pre-Infinity War threequel is subtitled after the Norse apocalypse, it's unclear what state Thor and Asgard will be in by the time Thanos begins his offensive, so predicting the Asgardian side of Infinity War is a little tricky. However, given the fact that Ragnarok has been described as a buddy movie between Thor and Hulk, it seems likely things will skew to the lighter side of destruction. What we can say with some degree certainty is that the God of Thunder himself will appear - as seen in Age Of Ultron, he's the first Avenger to really pay attention to the Infinity Stones.

58-56. The Scientists

Selvig has been a part of every flirting of humanity with the Asgardians in the movies, even discovering alternate dimensions in Thor: The Dark World, making him a perfect science conduit between humanity and the cosmic goings on. And, with the large scale of Infinity War in mind, there's no better way to further emotional involvement than to bring back Jane Foster and Darcy with him - they may be boring and annoying respectively, but audiences know who they are (and, if the films eventually follow the comics, the former could become very important).

55. Loki

Loki "died" in both Thor and Thor: The Dark World, so unless Marvel are going for the most perplexing running gag in cinema history, they won't repeat that trick again, meaning Tom Hiddleston's beloved villain will survive the events of Ragnarok and be around for an awkward reunion with former boss Thanos. Whether he goes full evil again or turns against the Mad Titan is going to be the big question for the Tumblr brigade.

54. Heimdall

Right, let's get our winged tin-foil hats on. Will Asgard be destroyed in Ragnarok? Possibly, although that's rather resolute for a series that's thrived for the past few years on maintaining a rigid status quo (look at how S.H.I.E.L.D.'s destruction has had no long-term impact). And even if it is, the fate of its key denizens is, at this point, not set in stone, meaning the following five characters are certainly open to appear in Infinity War. Heimdall is the most likely; played by the ever-game Idris Elba, he'd be the sort of guy who could come to blows with Thanos over protecting the Tesseract (which, at present, is still in Asgard).

53-50. The Warriors Three And Lady Sif

The Warriors Three and Lady Sif have always been rather ill-served in the MCU - they just pop up every now and then in Thor's movies to remind you that he's got friends, only to be pushed aside when things begin to get serious, meaning you never really get to know Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun (bet you don't even recognise those names). Maybe that'll change in Thor: Ragnarok (although maybe not with new buddy Bruce Banner in the way), but, regardless, like with Heimdall there's always possibility they could pop up once more, either for a small Asgard interlude or as part of an epic final fight, in Infinity War.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.