Avengers: Infinity War - Predicting The Entire Plot In 20 Steps

2. Vision "Dies"

Avengers Infinity War Vision
Marvel Studios

Let's all be honest here, the writing has been on the wall for Vision since he was first introduced. Or more appropriately, the writing has been written on the middle of his forehead where Thanos' prized Mind Stone currently sits. And though he'll survive the first meeting with the Black Order in the Edinburgh attack, it looks less than likely that he'll get away unscathed twice.

There's a particularly loaded moment in the trailer that suggests Vision is saying goodbye to Scarlet Witch (since he mentions that they are "out of time") and it would make sense that Thanos ends the movie with the Mind Stone in his possession.

This doesn't necessarily mean it's the end of the Vision entirely (and Paul Bettany has filmed for Avengers 4, but that might well be misdirection), as Shuri COULD replace the Stone with a Vibranium power source. So maybe don't say goodbye just yet.


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