Avengers: Infinity War Theory - Does Doctor Strange Turn Against The Avengers?

2. The Torture Scene Relates To A Comic Book Moment

Doctor Strange Torture
Marvel Comics

In Hickman's Infinity, Thanos invades Earth looking for the Infinity Gems once more and uses Ebony Maw to try and extract information on the whereabouts of the Gems as he's part of the Illuminati who make sure they're safely hidden.

Thanos had identified Strange as a powerful threat to him, so sent Maw to deal with him and crucially to keep him off the field of battle. Naturally, the villain is super effective and helps Ebony Maw and Thanos locate the Stone, but that's only half of the story, which is where the biggest anxiety for Infinity War comes from.

The fact that the same thing seems to be happening to Strange as happens in Infinity might mean we'll see the same secondary - more terrifying - development that goes well beyond the huge value of removing him as a threat to Thanos.

So what else could it mean? Read on...


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