Avengers: Infinity War Trailer Reactions: 8 Ups & 3 Downs

5. The Stinger

Infinity War Guardians
Marvel Studios

It would probably have been very tempting to go heavy on the Guardians Of The Galaxy, given how popular they almost immediately became with fans after their first two movies, but instead of over-feeding us, the trailer instead gives us one solitary moment. Again, it is precisely targeted and wonderfully effective, with Thor's "who the hell are you guys" not only teases them for an easy pop at the end, but it also mirrors the way their team is met in the first Guardians movie. That's a lot more clever than it might initially seem.

It's also a great little snapshot of how the Guardians want to be seen: Star-Lord posing like some swash-buckling hero, Mantis' timid hello, Groot's teenage apathy and the others a mix of curiosity and grumpiness. It's just weird that they seem so welcoming of Thor.

And Thor himself is shown wearing his new eye-patch look from Ragnarok, having presumably escaped the destruction of the Asgardian refugee ship that leads to Loki meeting Thanos (and giving up the Space Stone) and Hulk being shot back to Earth somehow.


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