Avengers: Infinity War Vs Avengers: Endgame - Which Is Better?

5. Dialogue

Avengers Infinity War Thanos Gamora
Marvel Studios

Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have proven themselves to be the most consistent screenwriters across the entire MCU, managing to deftly blend comedy and pathos better than even the mighty Joss Whedon.

They've got a penchant for penning witty dialogue but knowing when to pull the laughs back and focus squarely on the drama. Infinity War, for instance, was absolutely jam-packed with one-liners both hilarious ("I am Steve Rogers") and savagely iconic ("Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.")

It's fair to say that Endgame was more focused on crowd-pleasing callbacks and references, but the script was still rife with potent dramatic chatter and hysterical quips all the same. After all, did anyone expect to hear Tony compare Rocket (Bradley Cooper) to a Build-A-Bear?

WINNER: Infinity War certainly benefits from having firmly embedded itself in meme culture over the last year, but its dialogue is also more memorable and effective on the whole, while Endgame is focused on crafting memorable moments above all else.

Endgame may have stirred audiences into a frenzy with Cap wielding Mjolnir, but when it comes to the written word, nothing in Endgame quite left audiences reeling like "Why is Gamora?"


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.