Avengers: Infinity War Vs Avengers: Endgame - Which Is Better?

4. Standalone Appeal

Avengers Infinity War

This might seem like a paradoxical criteria on which to judge the third and fourth Avengers movies, especially as they're part of a 22-film, decade-plus saga of loosely interconnected pictures.

But not everyone is a hardcore Marvel fan, and it's fair to say that many of the people who contribute to those billion-dollar box office triumphs - or in the case of these two movies, $2 billion - are extremely casual audiences simply turning up for the pure spectacle.

Infinity War is quite clearly a fine standalone film for the most part, because it has to fully introduce audiences to Thanos and also the new Avengers to one another.

You need a basis of the heroes themselves, for sure, but the simple narrative through-line makes it an easy film to follow in isolation. Though of course, with its cliffhanger ending, it certainly doesn't provide closure of any kind.

Endgame would meanwhile be a total nightmare to anyone going in cold, given how heavily it relies on the audience's affinity for prior MCU movies at even a basic level. Moreover, Thanos is decidedly less interesting in Endgame without the context established by Infinity War.

WINNER: Even accepting its inconclusive ending, Infinity War wins this easily. It's a simpler and more accessible film, while Endgame feels far more like a for the fans climax (and rightly so).

That's not even really a ding against Endgame, but in terms of the mainstream, Infinity War is unquestionably the more watchable of the two.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.