Avengers: Infinity War Vs Avengers: Endgame - Which Is Better?

7. Music

Avengers Endgame Trailer
Marvel Studios

The brilliant Alan Silvestri composed the scores for both movies, and he's one of the few MCU composers to bring a decent amount of personality to the table, having been responsible for crafting The Avengers' iconic theme.

Infinity War's score features several distinctive tracks in additional to the expected orchestral bombast, especially "I Feel You" when Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) destroys Vision (Paul Bettany), and the haunting string piece, "Porch", which plays out as Thanos presides over a job well done.

It's a tough act to follow, but Silvestri pulls it off in Endgame, which opts for a more playful score for the most part, especially during the time heist sequence, which features a number of brilliant nods to Silvestri's own score for Back to the Future (because how could he resist?).

And of course, The Avengers theme itself is brilliantly re-incorporated into the film during numerous crowd-pleasing third-act moments, to say nothing of the soul-rending score that accompanies Tony Stark's funeral.

WINNER: Both are unique and distinctive, but because it pulls at a wider range of emotions while employing a more distinctive style, the W just barely goes to Endgame.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.