Back To The Future: 10 Giant Plot Holes You Probably Missed

2. DeLorean Gas

delorean gas In spite of 1985 Doc's clear instructions, Marty enlists the help of 1955 Doc once again to help him rescue 1985 from his fate in 1885. Got all that? In spite of Doc's guarantee, Marty runs head on into the Indians once he hits 88 and makes the jump to 1885. Unfortunately, the gas line of the DeLorean is conveniently hit with an arrow and they spend the next 30 minutes of the movie trying to come up with a suitable replacement for gas. The thing is, there is another DeLorean in 1885! Doc hid it for Marty to use in 1955 after it was hit by lightning. No it does not run, but there must be enough gas in there to siphon some out and gun it up to 88 one time. They wouldn't even be risking the often overlooked paradox as when it is unearthed in 1955, they have to tow it away anyways. A brilliant scientist who figures out how to make fire burn hotter should be able to realize this.

David is an educator and writer from the Philadelphia area. In spite of loving parents, he was largely raised by television and movies.