BANNED! 5 Films The British Censors Don't Want You To See

1. Mikey (1992)

Mikey At last! A banned film with a coherent plot! Mikey starts a fire in the basement and blames it on his sister. Sociopathic little git. When he is disciplined by his foster father, he drowns his foster sister in the pool, electrocutes his foster mother and beats the life out of his foster dad with a baseball bat. As he is only 9 years old, Mikey blames an intruder and no one suspects other wise. Mikey is to be fostered straight away and he lands up in a family with Neil and Rachel Trenton - appearing as a sweet, amiable boy. For a while he appears normal until he develops a crush on his best friend's sister who is way way older than him and would never be interested in him. She is dating a guy called David whom Mikey jealously murders. Again he goes in a killing rampage - executing his foster mother, foster father, teacher and school principal. He changes his identity into Josh and enters the foster system again... Okay, so this is clearly not a nice gentle fostering affair like the Australian soap Home and Away. In Mikey we have a child mass murderer who casually gets away with all of his crimes. Nobody would ever believe a nine year old child was as calculating and vicious. It is pretty disturbing, so much so that it became one of the films caught up in the 1993 Jamie Bulger scare (along with the evil child based The Good Son that featured Macauley Culkin and Child's Play 3) - there was a bit of hysteria surrounding films during the unfortunate episode. There was no way an unrepentant child killer like Mikey would have gone down well in the eyes of the BBFC at that time. The film remains banned even 20 years later. That is how powerfully, the notion of a child killer still affects us to this day. Have you seen any of this list of nasties? Share your reviews in the comments section below.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!