Batman: 80 Greatest Ever Moments

60. "It's Not Who I Am Underneath..." - Batman Begins

Batman Begins Gif
Warner Bros.

While Batman Begins is all about Bruce Wayne's transformation into The Caped Crusader, seemingly defined by the moment he first dons the cape and cowl and utters the infamous "I'm Batman" line, it's this moment where Bruce fully embraces his superhero side.

After he's chastised by Rachel Dawes earlier in the film after assuring her he has a good side underneath his billionaire bravado, she tells him that "it's not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you." When she's saying it to Bruce, it's to inform him that speeches at fundraisers and parties don't matter. It doesn't matter if you have a good heart if you aren't using it to actually make good things happen in the world.

As Batman, after rescuing Rachel, Bruce repeats the line back at her, proving that he's fully committed to living out the idea behind those words.


59. The First Proper Batmobile - Batman #5

First Batmobile
DC Comics

The Batmobile is an integral and immortal part of Batman's iconography, but it wasn't until the fifth issue of the character's main series that it boasted a Bat-like exterior.

Before Batman #5, the Batmobile wasn't even called the Batmobile. It was a red car, and it took until 1941 for Bill Finger and Bob Kane to change that.

This particular Batmobile might not be the most iconic one to feature in the Dark Knight's garage, but it was the one that started it all.



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