Batman: 80 Greatest Ever Moments

58. "One Punch!" - Justice League International

Guy Gardner One Punch
DC Comics

Since the day the pair first met, Batman and Green Lantern have just never gotten along. Whether it's Hal Jordan or in this case Guy Gardner, the two heroes just always tend to butt heads, with the most famous head-butting having occurred in Keith Giffen, J. M. DeMatteis and Kevin Maguire's stint on Justice League International.

Batman, the leader of this new group, has had to deal with the increasingly disobedient Guy for a good couple of issues. Here, Giffen, DeMatteis and Maguire decided to showcase the Dark Knight asserting his authority in a now famous image - flooring GL in one punch.

Blue Beetle keels over in laughter, shouting "One punch! One punch!", cementing the sequence as one of the character's most beloved.


57. "A New Era In The Fight Against Crime." - Batman: Incorporated

Batman Incorporated Annoncement
DC Comics

Grant Morrison's Batman is an absolute gem, and while it's probably fair to say he didn't get to end the series in the exact manner he wanted, the unveiling of Batman: Incorporated reiterated to readers the writer wasn't afraid to mess with the status-quo.

Batman: Reborn had done the same following the death of Bruce Wayne in Final Crisis, but Inc. was something completely different. Batman was no longer going to operate under the old set of rules; he'd be out in the open and out of the shadows, and would strike fear into the hearts of criminals not in the absence of light, but in the presence of it.



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