Batman: 80 Greatest Ever Moments

70. Taking On Nobody - Batman & Robin #8

Batman And Robin Damian
DC Comics

While generally most parents don’t have to teach their kids to not murder everyone who even considers betraying them, most parents aren’t tasked with the job of repairing a seriously damaged Damian Wayne.

These difficulties are further highlighted in Batman and Robin #8, when Damian is kidnapped by super villain Nobody, who attempts to convince the young Robin to act upon his bloodthirsty nature.

Even though Robin goes with the man, his father never blames him, and the event serves to highlight just how similar the dynamic duo truly are. While seeing the two take down the villain together is excellent, the true highlight is seeing just how much Bruce cares for his youngest child.


69. SEGA's Batman Returns

Batman Returns Game

Licensed video game tie-ins in the olden days weren't so much a mixed bag as a sack of actual garbage (let's be honest, they're still not exactly great all the time), but way back in 1992, SEGA made a delight that still holds up now.

It changed across the various versions made (Konami were in charge of the Nintendo versions) - and the Mega-CD version with its 3D racing tracks was the best - but in all cases, it was pure, side-scrolling, beat-em-up joy of which the likes now simply doesn't exist. In actual fact, it's still one of the greatest licensed games ever.



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