Batman: 80 Greatest Ever Moments

68. Alfred’s Paternal Pride - Batman #24

Batman Alfred
DC Comics

Anyone who doesn’t think that Alfred is essentially Batman’s parent should be willing to take a look at the 2011 Batman #24, wherein Bruce appears genuinely touched by Alfred telling him his parents would be proud of him after Batman takes down a particularly potent gang running under the guise of Red Hoods.

With so much of Batman’s motivation being to avenge his parents deaths and to prevent the same happening to others, it’s nothing short of rewarding to hear him receive praise from the one person who knows the brooding hero best.

Although Bruce and his butler-slash-mentor have had a series of meaningful interactions over the years, this example of the pride and belief the pair hold in each other is sure to make some people have a Bat-related tear up.


67. "Batman Needs A Robin" - Batman #442

Batman Tim Drake Robin
DC Comics

For a hero that coined the concept of a superhero family, Batman sure does love being a loner. It doesn't take long for his allies to remind him why that's a bad idea though, and one of the best dressing downs that an ally has given Bats came when Tim Drake was determined to succeed Jason Todd as the next Robin.

Efforts have been made in wider media to disavow the partnership between Batman and Robin, but it's a friendship too iconic to be ignored. Drake knew that Bruce needed an ally, and planted his feet firmly in the ground when the Dark Knight was otherwise reluctant to encourage his heroic tendencies.



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