Batman: 80 Greatest Ever Moments

66. Vampire Bat - Justice League: Gods And Monsters

Justice League Gods and Monsters Batman
Warner Bros.

Justice League: Gods and Monsters is a criminally overlooked animated film from the mind of Bruce Timm, one of the key architects of Batman: The Animated Series. The film effectively serves as an Elseworlds tale that poses all sorts of interesting questions, like what if Kal-El was actually the son of Zod, or what if Batman wasn't Bruce Wayne and was also a vampire? Y'know, the usual.

Either way, the moment this version of Batman brandished his fangs and sunk them into the nearest criminal, it was clear this version was unlike any other we'd seen before. Definitely give it a watch if you get the chance - or, if you're still unconvinced, go check out our video review on why it's so brilliant here.


65. Batman’s Death - DCeased

Batman DCeased
DC Comics

While DCeased is not yet finished, it’s safe to call the process thus far a wild ride.

Batman is no stranger to death - and comics are no stranger to having him die nobly - but his death in DCeased is on another level entirely. Not only is it completely savage to see the Dark Knight pretty much torn apart by his zombified kids, it’s his reaction that is the most impressive; as he locks himself in a Mr. Freeze suit to slow the zombification process, and stoically tells the remaining League members all he’s found out.

Having the World’s Greatest Detective save the day is never a bad moment, but seeing how much effort he puts into helping even when he clearly can’t is sometimes all the more powerful.



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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.