Batman vs Superman Movie: Casting Ben Affleck's Bat Family

6. Dick Grayson/Robin/Nightwing

Robin1 Robin embodies everything that is worth mocking about Batman and it's been proven hard to bring to screen in any serious manner; it€™s no coincidence the films he appears in are the series€™ most mocked. The thing is, in the comics Dick Grayson is a pretty interesting character; he actually out grows the Robin mantle and becomes Nightwing, a hero of Gotham in his own right. With the mature Batman taking this later development would be a smart move, having Grayson already adopted the new alter ego. First Choice: Jake Gyllenhaal Gyllenhaal is one of the those actors with indeterminable age (just look at how he went from schoolboy in Donnie Darko to experienced farmer in Brokeback Mountain in the space of four years), which makes him perfect for Bruce Wayne€™s grown up ward; while the actor himself is thirty two he could easily pass for younger in flashbacks if need be. His standout roles in Zodiac and Prisoners show an unfaltering, if unstable, drive that is essential is you€™re aging this normally teenage character. Worth Considering: Logan Lerman You want an actual boy wonder? Fine. Logan Lerman is shaping up to be a real screen presence after a damaged turn in The Perks Of Being A Wallflower and with his only blockbuster work thus far being the titular demi-God in the Percy Jackson series, he could do with a serious revitalisation. Or Why Not: Matt Damon When Affleck was announced as the Dark Knight, everyone immediately joked that Damon was going to be Robin. Silly, but why the hell not?
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.