Batman vs Superman Movie: Casting Ben Affleck's Bat Family

5. Alfred Pennyworth

Plummer Alfred has been through some pretty zany incarnations, starting out as a bumbling detective, taking many years before he settled down as the Wayne family butler. Given we're doing an old Batman a brave move would be to simply kill off Alfred, but that's a little bit of a disservice to a fan favourite. With the only prerequisite of playing him having to be English (because how odd would it be for him to have an American accent), he€™s already been portrayed by some great actors, so whoever gets the job has some big shoes to fill. First Choice: Christopher Plummer There€™s been rumours floating around that Warner have been trying to get Timothy Dalton in to play the butler, which in my mind goes against the notion of a mature Batman. Given he€™s been caring for Bruce for a good thirty years, you need someone who was already at a respectable age when the Wayne€™s were killed, so we€™re talking someone in their eighties. Few actors that age are as suited to the role (and still working) than Christopher Plummer; at eighty three he€™s older than Caine, but when we€™re dealing with an aging Batman, you need an aging Alfred too. Worth Considering: Terence Stamp I was originally going to put John Cleese here, but there€™s a real danger he€™d skirt into the comedic kitsch he did with Q in the Brosnan Bond, which isn€™t Alfred no matter how camp you take your Batman. Stamp is an actor who€™s really grown on me over the past couple of years and he'd be a choice for the role as out there as Caine. Or Why Not: Michael Caine Caine was so awesome as Alfred that I don€™t think anyone would complain to see him return in this new take. Bond kept Judi Dench when it rebooted, so there€™s no reason everyone€™s favourite cockney can€™t stick around.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.