Batman vs Superman Movie: Casting Ben Affleck's Bat Family

1. The Joker

Joker Not part of the Bat Family in any way, the Joker is such an essential part of the Dark Knight mythos that I might as well have a stab at him while I'm here. The Joker, more than any other character that appeared in Nolan€™s trilogy, is the hardest to recast. Heath Ledger remains the only actor to win an Oscar for a superhero movie for his turn as the mad clown and any new actor coming into the role really risks only aping what he did. First Choice: Willem Dafoe You don€™t want Joker stealing the show from this incredibly high concept, so as with every other key player this would be him a few years down the line; he€™s had his crime spree and is now locked up. So different and a little more conventional than Ledger, Dafoe has channelled this character before for his schizophrenic Norman Osborn, so would be perfect for a small cameo (any more would distract from the fact this is actually a Superman movie). Given his superhero legacy is set to be overwritten by Chris Cooper in the coming years, he might as well have a stab as the biggest of all. Worth Considering: Michael Sheen When thinking of people to take on the Joker Michael Sheen was the first to jump to mind. A great character actor who gives each of his performances the same in depth reverence (be they Prime Ministers, political interviews or Ziggy Stardust-aping bartenders), he has a face that lends itself to the Clown Prince of Crime. But he comes with a catch; he€™s just too close to Ledger. Obviously older, he€™s still in the same area and would likely anger a few too many fans. Or Why Not: Mark Hamill Hamill has voiced most of the characters animated and video game outings, so why not give him a chance to do the full look and, along with Star Wars, make 2015 €˜The Year Hamill Returned€™. How would you cast the Bat Family? Have your say down in the comments.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.