Batman: Every Live-Action Riddler Ranked Worst To Best

1. Paul Dano - The Batman

The Riddler Jim Carrey Paul Dano Batman Forever The Batman
Warner Bros.

A lot was riding on this performance, as this was the first time viewers saw a severe version of The Riddler on the big screen. Gone were the days of spandex suits and questions marks; instead came murder, mystery and frights. Naturally, this led to Edward Nashton being easily the scariest version of the character thus far.

Dano managed to juggle the scary and goofy sides of the character really well. His maniacal facial expressions and peculiar mood shifts made you wish he'd taken the mask off earlier in the film. Plus, the not-so-subtle allusions to the Zodiac Killer gave the character a fundamental grounding in reality, even during his goofier moments.

Another major part of what made the character so terrifying was that he was so unassuming once he took the mask off. Edward Nashton looked like the kind of person you could sit next to in a diner and never give a second glance to. But, his innocent and ordinary appearance was a mask for the machinations of a brutal serial killer - a wolf in sheep's clothing indeed.


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