Batman Reboot: 5 Reasons The Bat-Family Have To Appear

1. Consequences

Death In The Family Nothing has effected Batman more than his family being put in danger. In fact, Batman has only twice truly considered using deadly force; both times on the Joker, and both times because his family was threatened. When Jason Todd was killed by the Joker, Batman came within inches of killing the Joker, only failing to do so because he disappeared in a fiery explosion. More recently, Batman nearly killed the Joker after he poisoned his whole family. Batman has always been a crusader for good, but his most interesting trials come when things get personal.
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David Ochart is a born and raised enthusiest. The offspring of a Trekkie and a History buff, and the middle child of 7 equally avid siblings, he has spent much of his life firmly entrenched in nerd-culture. From Batman to Godzilla to The Legend of Zelda, if David is not reading watching or playing, he's contemplating and analyzing. Follow him on Twitter @DavidOchart and check out his Blog at AnIllustratedLife.Tumblr.Com