Batman & Robin: 10 Reasons It's Criminally Underrated

4. Alfred

6 Perhaps it€™s because most of his co-stars gave such poor performances, but Michael Gough€™s performance stands out as actually being rather good. Even in the comparably light-hearted Schumacher take on Batman and Robin, the fact that Alfred was dying was a legitimately concerning plot point. Michael Gough made me care about Alfred in a way that none of the other actors made me care about their characters. I was very upset about the possibility of him dying because he was such a crucial part of the series and a redeeming quality of the movie. Without him, everything would be so much worse for both Bruce Wayne and for the viewer. While it was a bit lame that he got saved by Mr. Freeze€™s medicine that looked more like the contents of a glow stick, I was not nearly as annoyed as I should have been, as it meant Alfred got to stick around. Michael Gough€™s performance was a bright spot in the movie, and all the more impressive that he managed to pull out this great, comparatively subtle performance with such an over-the-top director.
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Mary spends more time watching movies, TV, and reading comics than she spends doing schoolwork. She hopes that somehow this will lead her to success anyways. Mary hopes to work in the entertainment industry when she actually manages to get a job.