Batman & Robin: 10 Reasons It's Criminally Underrated

3. It's Accessible

8 While it was clearly a mistake to use this film as a kids' venture, I do remember watching and enjoying this movie as a child. For me and millions of other €˜90s kids, Batman and Robin has nostalgic value. We watched it as kids and we enjoyed it because we were too young to know better. Bad though it is, Batman and Robin helped foster my lifelong love of the character and franchise. It entertained me when I was young which made me want to see the new movie series and made me want to read the comics. Batman and Robin is kid-friendly in a way that the others certainly aren€™t. I remember being scared by the Penguin when I was six and being terrified by the Scarecrow when I was 10. Batman and Robin is an appealing movie to children. Having tried to get younger cousins into Batman, I have found that they are often bored by Nolan€™s take on the series. While we learned from the mistake of making Batman and Robin child-friendly, it does have its uses. Batman and Robin is an important stepping stone in making life long Batman and Robin fans. Sure, they€™ll move on to better things as they get older, but if you want to get a child into Batman, it is better to start them off with Batman and Robin rather than Batman Begins.
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Mary spends more time watching movies, TV, and reading comics than she spends doing schoolwork. She hopes that somehow this will lead her to success anyways. Mary hopes to work in the entertainment industry when she actually manages to get a job.