Batman Symbolism: What 15 Most Famous Villains Really Mean

1. The Joker - The Opposite Reaction

The Joker is, of course, Batman's arch-enemy and, as such, he is as far removed from the Dark Knight as it's possible to be - an opposite in every sense. He is the ultimate representation of the chaos and theatricality that Batman's existence has brought to Gotham City. Whilst Batman's purpose is to sustain order, Joker represents the notion that every action has an opposite reaction. Batman is good, Joker is evil. Batman won't kill, Joker couldn't care less about killing. Batman is organised, Joker is far from it. Batman is secretive and low-profile, Joker is very open wants an audience. Batman wears black, Joker wears bright colours. Batman is pensive and moody, Joker is constantly smiling and laughing. What's more, they need each other. They represent each other's needs and give each other purpose - and that's the only reason they haven't brought each other down permanently yet. So there you have it - fifteen famous Batman villains and what they really mean. Did you enjoy this article? Do you agree with the descriptions if these villains in terms of their symbolism? Which other Batman villains represent aspects of Batman's life that weren't covered on this list? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.