Batman V Superman: 10 Behind The Scenes Shots That Will Get You Excited

2. Jena Malone - Robin

Jena Malone Robin Earlier this summer actress Jena Malone was spotted on the set of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and the Internet went wild. Although Malone claimed she was just visiting the set because she is a friend of director Zack Snyder, who she worked with on Sucker Punch a few years ago, that didn€™t stop fans from speculating that she might have some sort of role in the film. Those theories range from the female Robin to the Jokers right hand lady, Harley Quinn. Then she posted a picture on Instagram of her bright new hair colour, which happens to be the colour red, the same as the character Carrie Kelley, who is none other than the female Robin. While an actress changing her hair colour is nothing new, it is quite interesting in this regard because we know that the comic series The Dark Knight Returns is heavily influencing this film and the storyline within it. That kind of hints that Carrie Kelley could play a part, while at the same time some fans noticed €˜Robin€™ was spray painted on a train cart that was part of one of the sets. All very interesting!
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Everton fanatic. Comic book reader and Spider-Man idoliser. Film watcher and TV binger. A smorgasbord of interests.