Batman V Superman: 10 Behind The Scenes Shots That Will Get You Excited

1. Scoot McNairy's Character

It is already speculated that Jena Malone could be playing Robin in Dawn of Justice, but whom is Scoot McNairy playing? Well, recent photos have given some hints at the type of character he may be playing. Captured in a set photo taken at the Wayne County building in Detroit, McNairy was spotted wearing some fetching green screen leggings under his normal and very smart attire. Given that he was only wearing this green screen clothing around the bottom half of his legs, we can assume they will be the attention of CGI. Any time an actor is spotted wearing green screen material around a limb usually means their character will not have that limb in the film. That limb can even be replaced by a nifty piece of CGI, potentially even with something robotic? That being said, given his otherwise smart attire, it is not far to suggest that he could simply be a victim of Man of Steel who is giving evidence. Other rumours are suggesting that he could be the Flash, or even a lesser know character such as Metallo and the green screen around his feet could be used to show them moving at high velocity. What are your opinions about the behind the scene photos? Is there anything we've missed that you're excited about? Let us know in the comments below.
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Everton fanatic. Comic book reader and Spider-Man idoliser. Film watcher and TV binger. A smorgasbord of interests.