Batman V Superman: 10 Behind The Scenes Shots That Will Get You Excited

7. Wayne Family Crypt

It would be amiss to have a new Batman without his parents making an appearance in some capacity given their importance to the whole mythos and this leak certainly seems to suggest they€™ll be in the film. Leaked photos have shown the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice crew building a cemetery deep in the Orion Oaks County park in Michigan, with filming taking place there not long afterwards. On the photos it is clear that it is the Wayne family tomb that is present, but what context we will see them in is completely unknown. Going off the comics and animated TV series, could this be about the iconic scene that shows Bruce Wayne visiting his parents? It would certainly make sense given the tone the film seems to be taking. Other ideas have suggested that the tomb may be used in a flashback scene, perhaps of the funeral or even all the way to when they were murdered. That comes from rumours that old looking cars and a hearse have been spotted on the set.
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Everton fanatic. Comic book reader and Spider-Man idoliser. Film watcher and TV binger. A smorgasbord of interests.