Batman V Superman: 10 Behind The Scenes Shots That Will Get You Excited

6. Lex Luthor House Party

So it is know that Lex Luthor is in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but nobody knows why or what he will be doing. However, it is known that the crew started filming at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum on the MSU campus in October and rumours are the building plays a very important role. According to rumours, the museum will play the role of Lex Luthor€™s house. Given that Lexcorp is also prevalent in the movie world, it seems to fit that Luthor would live in such a futuristic looking home. So why is the Luthor household featuring in Dawn of Justice? Well reports are that Lex was holding a party for a whole host of guests. Now, those guests reportedly included Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Holly Hunter and Tao Okamoto. Also present was Henry Cavill, but this time as Clark Kent. Such a party could mean a number of things, but most prevalent is the idea that Lex is holding a fundraising event, similar to the one we saw for Harvey Dent in the Dark Knight? Maybe the Luthors have their eyes on a political office, after all Lex has ended up as President in the comics before now.
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Everton fanatic. Comic book reader and Spider-Man idoliser. Film watcher and TV binger. A smorgasbord of interests.