Batman v Superman has been racking up mostly negative reviews from critics and a fairly mixed fan response, but it's safe to say that the movie has its share of awesome moments regardless of your opinion of the overall product. While several potentially iconic scenes fell a little short of the mark (such as Superman's redundant death, the Justice League cameos being mostly relegated to e-mails, and Batman wantonly killing people with zero psychological explanation), Zack Snyder did also deliver a ton of memorable and stylish individual scenes. Despite the totally valid complaints about scripting and editing, on their own terms, these 10 scenes got the pulse racing and made us see the massive potential in a Batman v Superman movie...even if the final result didn't really live up to the hype.
10. The Congress Explosion
One of the few genuinely shocking moments in the movie occurs during the Congressional hearing involving Superman. Just as things are kicking off, Senator Finch becomes massively unnerved by a jar of urine left on her desk by Lex Luthor, and moments later, crippled Wayne Enterprises employee Wallace Keefe detonates a bomb placed inside his wheelchair by Luthor in order to further turn the public against the Man of Steel. The scene isn't perfect: the jar of p*ss is more weird than funny, Mercy Graves' death seemed fairly pointless, and as soon as the crime scene was swept through it would be pretty damn clear that Superman didn't cause the explosion, but it was a welcome surprise in a movie that was otherwise so damn predictable.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.