Batman V Superman: 10 Best Moments

1. The Fight

And of course, was anything going to be #1 other than the long-awaited standoff between Batman and Superman? Though the fight doesn't kick off until the beginning of the third act and only lasts around 8 minutes, it's pure fanboy wish fulfillment all the way. Superman shows up to try and explain to Bruce that they're being manipulated into a fight, but Batman has already set a number of Kryptonite-infused traps, enraging Superman to the point that he takes the bait. Cue Superman smashing an armoured Batman through buildings, Batman using a Kryptonite grenade launcher to de-power the Man of Steel, and then beating the snot out of his rival, hilariously smashing a kitchen sink over his head and hurling him down a flight of stairs. The fight concludes with Batman swinging Superman into a series of pillars and grabbing the Kryptonite spear to finish the job, cutting his face before Superman is able to utter the name "Martha", bringing the fight to a fairly clumsy conclusion. Still, it was ridiculously entertaining to see the pair face off...even if it should have been longer and the overall motivations a ton more convincing. Which moments did you love from Batman v Superman? Shout them out in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.