Batman V Superman: 11 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Nov 12)

2. Superman Is Actually Bizarro

Because apparently nobody in Batman V Superman is actually going to be who they were initially billed as, of course there is also a theory that suggests that Superman too will be replaced by an imposter at some point. The theory is based on the shots in the trailer that show Superman attempting to legitimately kill Batman (with an optic blast capable of destroying a stone building). Because that is counter to his mostly no-kill rule there has to be a reason why he'd be attempting to use fatal force, Rating: 1/10 He may appear in the Man Of Steel sequel (and he undoubtedly should get a chance in a movie), but adding in yet another villain and a further complication to the narrative would be a huge mistake. Plus it would remove Lex Luthor from the top of the villain table, and that would be bad for the film's agenda to step up his importance for the sequels. So it would be an almighty shock, to say the least.
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