Batman V Superman: 10 Characters Scoot McNairy Could Be Playing

1. Metallo

The assumption is that, though he may don his famous warsuit, Lex Luthor is not much of a physical threat to Superman or Batman and needs some help in the muscle department, at least for the sake of the film€™s action set pieces and the viewers€™ interest levels.

Enter Metallo, the formerly human soldier John Corben, who€™s suffered an experimental procedure to have his mind transferred into a robotic body powered by a kryptonite heart. His ties to the military fit him seamlessly into Superman€™s world and he could be their answer to how to combat Superman; an answer potentially developed by the aforementioned Lex Luthor.

From a creative standpoint, McNairy said he would have to get his €œhead around emotionally€ for the character, which seems to imply a villain. Scoot€™s villainous side could be perfect to bring Metallo to life as his work in Non-Stop showed he could work as a tormented soldier with a penchant for destruction

Hero, villain, bureaucrat? Who do you think Scoot is playing? Let us know in the comments.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.