Batman V Superman: 10 Easter Eggs That Would Rule

7. Arrow

Like it or not, Arrow and The Flash don't take place in the same universe as Man of Steel and Batman v Superman. It feels like a missed opportunity in some ways, but a smart decision in others as it will allow the creative teams working on both the big and small screen versions of these characters to have more freedom. Of course, had Warner Bros. been more organised with their DC Comics plans, they easily could all have been set in the same world. Despite this, would the mention of an archer fighting crime in Starling City really be a difficult thing to throw into the movie? According to one report, Clark Kent is fascinated by Batman and wants to investigate him more, so perhaps Green Arrow's name could be mentioned briefly during a conversation about other vigilantes. Even if this isn't a reference to the Stephen Amell Arrow, the character deserves some sort of big screen attention. Seeing as Oliver Queen actually played a small but pivotal role in The Dark Knight Returns, Snyder including some sort of nod to him doesn't seem entirely outside the real of possibility. If it all leads to that long rumoured Supermax movie? Well, that's just a bonus...
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