Batman V Superman: 10 Implications For Justice League

8. Darkseid Is Coming

The hints for Darkseid joining the DCEU have been sewn ever since one of the trailers showed this shot from Bruce's "Knightmare" sequence, with Darkseid's unmistakable Omega sigil being burned into the ground. The end of Batman v Superman hints further at Darkseid's arrival, as Lex Luthor ends up in prison but, having already had access to the database on General Zod's ship which contains over 100,000 alien races, he rambles on that "the bells have rung", before we close in on one of Lex's paintings with a creature bearing a strong resemblance to Darkseid. Darkseid is, of course, one of Superman's best-loved and most iconic foes, though given how divisive Doomsday's treatment was in this movie, fans should probably keep their expectations in check. He's definitely coming, though.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.