Batman V Superman: 10 Major Surprises That Could Happen

Will Ben Affleck's Batman be a killer?

With the release of Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice (it's still shocking that they actually stuck with that subtitle) edging closer, it's now getting to the point where everyone has to pick a side. The idea of a big screen grudge match between the two biggest superheroes of all time is the stuff fanboy dreams are made of, and not even the thought of Zack Snyder directing it will quell excitement. Well, not completely anyway. There are a dizzying number of rumours and fan theories about what will happen in the story, ranging from reasonable speculation (The Joker will have a cameo) to outright ludicrous (Christian Bale will return!). For fans, this guesswork is part of the fun, but for a movie that€™s already revealed a lot of itself €“ Doomsday was a surprise probably best saved for the movie €“ Zack Snyder claims there are still lots of secrets in store. There's still speculation surrounding actors who have been cast in mysterious roles, we don€™t know how the other members of the Justice League will fit into it or what €“ exactly €“ is Lex Luthor€™s plan. With a bit of detective work it€™s possible to deduce what some of the surprises might be, and if even a few of them are correct, Batman V Superman will be the comic book movie to beat this summer.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.