Batman V Superman: 10 Most Important Things It Has To Get Right

9. Explaining Batman

In an ideal world, Batman might have had his own solo movie before meeting Superman, but the decision to kick things off in with a Caped Crusader who has been operating for years still presents some exciting storytelling possibilities. It also presents a lot of potential pitfalls, and making the audience connect with this version of the character is a must. To do so, it's vital to explain both how and why he's been operating under the radar for so long. Like many of the comic books, it seems that this Batman will be an urban legend. Still, it's strange that there was no mention of him in Man Of Steel, and why has Clark Kent never decided to pay a visit to Gotham in what must have been numerous times the city was attacked by a super villain? The movie can't just expect viewers to instantly connect with a new Batman who appears out of nowhere, so some time needs to be spent introducing him. Explaining where Batman has been is one thing, but there's so much more to getting this character right than just shedding light on what he's been up to in the shadows for so many years. Based on his recent performances in movies like The Town and Gone Girl, there's absolutely no reason to be worried about Ben Affleck's approach to the Dark Knight, but there are still a lot of expectations when it comes to the portrayal of Batman himself.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.